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HOA Special Meeting Scheduled


Updated: Jul 5, 2020

UPDATE: The Special Meeting will now be held on July 30 instead of July 16 as mentioned in the article below.

We are delighted to let you know that the HOA board made an important and positive decision at its meeting Wednesday night.

As we communicated to you earlier this week, the board had two key issues: setting the date for a special meeting on our reform petition, and setting the date for the annual election of board directors.

Board president Bill Fautsch initially pushed a plan to combine both events into a single meeting, with the board directors election coming first. This is exactly the type of stratagem that we were worried about. If implemented, it would have circumvented the critical provision in the reforms to establish term limits prior to the board directors election.

We and some well-respected members of the community explained in detail that the homeowners had made clear their desire for new leadership, and we had followed the rules regarding special meetings. We argued that Fautsch's plan would honor neither the board's commitment to serve the HOA's members nor the rules.

These arguments were persuasive, and in the end, the majority of the board decided not to support Fautsch's plan.

Instead, the board voted to have the special meeting on the reform petition first, on Thursday, July 16. It postponed setting a date for the board election until the outcome of the reform vote was known.

Another important development was that Fautsch announced that he will not seek reelection.

We applaud the board directors who chose this path. It ensures that the members of the HOA will have the opportunity to determine definitively whether the reform package, including term limits, will be in place for the board election. By respecting the will of the homeowners in this way and abiding by the rules, the board took a big step toward promoting harmony in the coming months.

With the special meeting now scheduled for July 16, we must turn our focus on ensuring a landslide vote for the reforms. We anticipate that the ballots will be mailed out in June. We hope that you will promptly fill yours out and turn it in so that it can be counted, and let your neighbors know to do the same. We thank you again for your support.

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